Usually, when one thinks about fundraising, you picture the efforts of one determined, and probably exhausted, person. But, nowadays, that isn’t usually the case, since many that support a given cause come together to fundraise in the form of a team. These teams consist of family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues that band together to raise funds for charities.
This approach often yields better results than working alone. Here are three reasons why you should give it a try:
It Gives Confidence to New Supporters
If you are more of an occasional supporter or you are brand new to fundraising, you may feel more comfortable working within a group. The work will not seem as nerve-wracking if the responsibility of hitting a targeted goal is shared by several people.
You Can Appoint a Team Captain to Organize the Effort
Team captains can give everyone the encouragement and motivation they need to keep going. They also make a huge difference because a team campaign can become disjointed with so many “cooks in the kitchen.”
A seasoned leader can set appropriate, realistic goals and, based on every individual team member’s strength, assign tasks that each will excel at.
It Allows the Charity to Expand its Reach
Teams, by their very nature, are formed by many people, each with their own friends, families, and professional networks. These individuals each probably have social media, as well, and that means the fundraising pages can be shared many more times than through one person alone.
In conclusion, team fundraising is a great way to help others through charitable means while also improving upon and streamlining the process.