Muhammad Babangida is a committed philanthropist from Nigeria

Tag: Nonprofit

How Your Company Can Include Philanthropy in its Culture

Corporate philanthropy can be extremely beneficial not just for your community, but for your business’s visibility and reputation within the community you’re located in as well. Whether you’re volunteering in your community, supporting causes you care about, or donating to charitable causes, partaking in corporate philanthropy has an abundance of positive benefits that make it worth considering. You can build a strong sense of community with your employees and customers, give back to your community at large, and become more appealing to younger employees who seek out businesses that hold philanthropy in high regard. 


How can you start getting involved in corporate philanthropy?


An easy way to start on your business’s philanthropic journey is to offer volunteer time off to your employees. This will give your employees time to support organisations and causes that they hold dear to their hearts while not having to worry about using up precious PTO or taking an unpaid day off to get involved. Having volunteer time off, or VTO, will encourage your employees to become socially responsible and dedicate their time to charitable causes. It will also help attract and retain talented employees for your business.


More internally, corporate philanthropy should start with ethical labour practices. You must adopt fair pay for the work your employees put in—their time isn’t worth nothing, after all. Once you adopt ethical labour practices, you can go to your company’s social media pages and encourage your followers and other industry leaders to follow in your footsteps. You can even take it a step further by creating and hosting events that surround this topic for other companies.


Perhaps your product or service will be beneficial to others when offered charitably. Businesses can participate in philanthropy by offering their services to others pro bono; ideally, you’ll be offering these services to organisations that are involved in charity work. It’s a great way to build awareness for a cause you care about while helping those around you by doing something within your field of business.


Lastly, you could partner your business with a charitable organisation that means something to you. This will offer ongoing opportunities to become involved in philanthropic deeds and show your community that your business is committed to giving back. Charitable organisations can become an integral part of your business model and give new meaning to yourself, your products or services, and your efforts at large.

Check Out These Great Podcasts If You Love Philanthropy

Podcasts have become immensely popular in recent memory and they can be great sources of entertainment, knowledge, and news amongst other things. If you’re interested in philanthropy, charity, or nonprofits, podcasts can be an invaluable resource. You can hear so many perspectives on various social issues as well as how you can help and there are so many different podcasts out there. Here are a few great podcasts about philanthropy.

The Business of Giving

If you’re looking to hear possible solutions to social problems throughout the world, check out The Business of Giving. This show is hosted by expert philanthropist Denver Frederick, and every week he invites various philanthropists, social entrepreneurs, and nonprofit experts onto the show to discuss these social problems. With Frederick’s 40+ years of experience and the knowledge of these various experts, they dissect these social problems and try to come up with possible things we can do to solve them.

Futures in Fundraising

If you’re passionate about fundraising and want to know more, check out Futures in Fundraising. Every episode you’ll learn something new on topics such as using your organization’s data for good, advancing careers in development, or just new ways for you to give. They often provide great tips as well, just in case you decide to become a professional in the fundraising world. Every episode features an interview with someone who went on their own fundraising experience where they experienced both highs and lows.

Nonprofits Are Messy

Running a nonprofit organization isn’t easy. There are so many different aspects to think about and as host Joan Garry would put it, they’re messy. In her show, Joan discusses topics such as marketing, leadership, fundraising mistakes and so much more. Practically everything you can learn about nonprofits is discussed in this show, making it the ultimate resource for anyone wanting to improve their own organization.

The Important Podcast

The reason people become philanthropists or decide to work with nonprofits often comes down to one thing: they want to help people. The work they do is ultimately meant to serve those who are in need, and that’s exactly what The Important Podcast is all about. Each episode features inspirational stories of people helping others with an important mission to share these stories to as many people as they can.

Is Your Board Ready to Get Hands-On?

A problem with boards across the United States is that they lack diversity. The reason is likely that boards recruit members that have similar thought processes as the existing members. However, it is important to note that a diverse board can lead to many successes


To get the board ready to be hands-on, a few things will have to occur. 


  1. An open mindset.

To get hands-on, the board has to open their minds to new thought processes. Things will be uncomfortable at first because change is not comfortable. However, once this period of discomfort passes, the board will reap the successes of multiple viewpoints. 


  1. Organizational Goals

Once a more diverse team is established, it will likely be necessary to reflect on the organizational goals and possibly expand them. This will allow room for growth within the organization and allow all members to feel a sense of belonging and inclusion. 


  1. Time Commitment

Establishing a diverse team and equity is no easy task. The board members have to be ready to put the time in to achieve this huge goal. This will likely need to be a discussion in which all board members are present, and the expectations are clearly outlined. 


  1. Multiple Leaders

The board cannot set out on this journey with a sole leader. To be effective, multiple people on the team will need to be passionate about this change and dedicate themselves to the project. This will put the board on the right track for success.


Preventing Compassion Fatigue In Donors and Non-profit Employees

The daily stress that entrepreneurs go through causes them to be tired and weary throughout the day. The hard work can take a toll and begin to impact their personal life. This may cause many social entrepreneurs to wonder if their personal sacrifices are worth it.

Many fundraisers have thought about quitting their job as a result of their frustration. Compassion fatigue is a serious issue that should be addressed. Compassion fatigue describes a lack of compassion that has developed over time. People who strive to be socially conscious internalize their flaws and perceived failure at not working fast enough. The pressure can discourage and consume them, causing them to give up. Compassion fatigue does not receive the attention for being a serious issue that it deserves. Here are some tips to help entrepreneurs and donors avoid compassion fatigue.

Gain Perspective

When you are committed to helping everyone, even the smallest victory can have a long-standing positive impact. Take time to reflect on different people, places, and things that you have impacted in a positive way. Research has shown that losses have a larger impact on people than gains. Be aware that regardless of how successful your organization is, you will always need a helping hand.

Work On Yourself

If you cannot manage your own health properly, then it is harder to help anyone else. Get your rest and take some time off if you need too. Work and life balance should be a major priority.

Stay Proactive

Be prepared for potential signs of burnout. Think about different ways to prevent it. Show that you care about your team and help them. Keep the vision the main priority and track your progress toward the completion of your goals. Make sure that your colleagues are comfortable chatting with you about fatigue.

Stay Decisive

Remember that you can take a break sometimes. Don’t allow negativity to linger. Move forward when you are tired and find the strength to seek change. Avoid unnecessary decisions that can increase your burnout while hurting your motivation.

Build Connections

If your supporters only hear from you when they are needed, that is not good. Look for ways to reach your supporters and invite them into your world. Look for opportunities to create value in their lives.

Stay Faithful

To keep your confidence up, make promises that you know you can keep and manage your expectations. Don’t try to rush anything, as you’ll forget that the journey will be slow and steady.

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