Muhammad Babangida is a committed philanthropist from Nigeria

Category: Muhammad Babangida Page 15 of 16

How to Give Back to Your Community

Residents and businesses of a community make up the network of safety nets that give help and support to adults and children. There are no limits to how essential services to the community can be achieved. Just look at your neighbors, young and old, and the need will be visible.

Food Donations

The holiday season should not be the only time that food care packages be distributed to families and the elderly population. Once or twice a month, anyone can set aside a small amount of money to take advantage of nonperishable food sales, in their local grocery stores, to create a food basket that will help with daily meals throughout the year.

Form a Literacy Club for Children

You don’t need to be an expert in child education to start a group for children that provides books, tutoring, and writing contests for the development of reading and writing skills. Books can be bought for minimal amounts at thrift stores and a creative mind can organize writing competitions with prizes and awards.

Personal Care Kits for the Homeless

Personal hygiene items may seem basic to someone with a steady residence, but to homeless individuals, a bar of soap and a toothbrush help someone maintain their dignity. The supplies for a personal care kit can be easily purchased at dollar discounts stores. Once assembled, these packages can be donated to shelters, group homes or any other places where people reside in a group setting.

Don’t Forget Our Fury Friends

Pets give love and companionship to so many people who do not have human companionship. Pet animal hospitals and veterinarians can offer a lifeline of treatments, medications and shelter to low income families that may be forced to surrender their pet because of lack of money.

Improve the Quality of Life of the Elderly and Disabled

Individuals or employees of companies can create a lottery system to offer their services for simple tasks around the homes of elderly and disabled residents. Washing windows, shampooing carpets, trash removal, simple sewing tasks, and organizing closets and living spaces can make someone’s home clean and inviting.

Visit the Sick and Lonely

Nursing homes and assisted living centers house many people who do not have families that visit frequently so holidays and birthdays go uncelebrated. Greeting cards and sweet treats, in dollar discount stores, are in abundance for someone who would like to brighten the life of a person who may not receive anything on special occasions.

Focus on Strategic Philanthropy

While philanthropy is like a business in that time, money and effort are all put toward a goal, the biggest distinction between them is goals. Businesses further monetary gain. Philanthropy furthers “humanitarian gain.” It is with this distinction in mind that we have compiled several notable things philanthropists can do to optimize return on investment.
Consider the End Goal and Focus on It.
Philanthropy is the quest to preserve something you value, change something for the better or both. Focusing on a handful of causes means that donors can have see and feel a greater impact. A good mindset is “deep, not wide.”
Seek Reliable, Influential Partners.
With 1.5 million nonprofits in the US, deciding which groups to bring on board can be taxing. Before donating, do your research. Look into the NPO’s:Ultimately, follow up “What does your organization do” with “How well has it succeeded?”

  • Success in achieving goals.
  • Finances.
  • Command structure among staff and volunteers.
  • Expedience in changing to meet new needs.
  • Involvement with beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Actual difference made.

Discern If Philanthropic Capital Works For You.
The US sees 800 billion, non-refundable and tax-deductible dollars going to charities and donations. Despite this, no more than one-twentieth to one-fifth goes to nonprofits; the rest flows into public and private sectors, chiefly for financial growth.

Look into potential charities and where their investments end up. If the answer displeases you, then you can ignore them. Discuss investing with your financial advisors and figure out how you can best make use of philanthropic capital.
Evaluate and Progressively Change.
Philanthropy that achieves noticeable goals over time is rare. It takes more than checks induced by feelings from the holidays. Many donate to a go-to charity without receiving any feedback on that charity’s successes or operations.

Proper philanthropy requires endurance and constant assessment of successes and failings. A proper philanthropist is one who is constantly engaged and knows when to change strategies on the fly.
Give Boldly, Now!
It is natural to save as much as possible to take care of our own. Despite this urge, many easily accomplish that goal while still engaging in philanthropy. A financial advisor can point out when it is viable to give unto others. It is also important to remember that wealth does not follow you beyond death. Rather than horde your earnings, your fellow man and your planet could use it for improvement.

Fundraising Topics to Master

Once the need for huge sums of money arises, a quick solution is to organize a fundraising activity. Fundraising has been a useful tool from time immemorial. However, traditional methods of raising funds are presently under turbulent waters, and this is something that has never been witnessed before. To raise money in the modern times, you do not need to hold a fundraiser since new means of raising money have cropped up. Nonetheless, fundraising is still being utilized even in this new millennium, and it has played a significant part in supporting causes through online platforms as depicted below.

1. Crowdfunding and Social Media

Many established organizations today, an excellent example being our universities, are raising money through crowdfunding. This means of sourcing money has become so prominent that most corporations have incorporated it into their development operations. The new millennium has seen the development of online social forums that have a huge following. Facebook, for example, it has over 160 million American users who, if mobilized, can raise money for charity.

2. Donor-Advised Funds

It is on record that Fidelity Charitable, a donor-advised fund, is offering more support for private courses. For instance, in America, it is on top of the list of not-for-profit organizations that support private programs. Hence, if you are considering conducting a fundraiser in 2017, these firms are an excellent target through which you can tap into their deep financial reserves. They are responsible for having reshaped America’s charity environment. However, to succeed in this, you must be proficient in the art of seeking gifts from them and also know how to draw their interest into your noble cause.

3. Major Gifts and Big Donors

The secret to reaping more benefits from any market is identifying a target and then going a step further to prove its needs. Wealthy donors are always willing to give, but the only way to source gifts from them is by learning what they want first. You must have a competitive edge over other charities to help you to acquire their contributions and also ensure that you have what it takes to get more donors knocking at your door.

4. Year-End Fundraising

If you choose to go with this selection, early preparations and planning are necessary. Making plans and reviewing previous events to obtain helpful lessons come in handy. Moreover, operating on strict timeline for such an occasion ensures that your fundraiser runs smoothly and entirely achieves its set objective.

5. Creative Ideas On Fundraising

The same old notion and theme of fundraisers no longer work as expected. Hence, coming up with something new that will spice up the process is crucial to draw more support for your cause.

Giving is receiving. Unfortunately, the American people are still adamant about this saying, and they derive pleasure and satisfaction in helping others. Hence, if you have a noble cause that warrants financial intervention, it is high time to familiarize yourself with the above fundraising topics for a successful event.

Big Ideas in Philanthropy

Philanthropy is as basic as loving your neighbor as yourself. Yet it is big enough to reach “neighbors” all around the globe. How can your charitable venture have this global impact? It’s by drawing people into your big idea.

Social Media

Social media platforms are now a part of daily life. We know that they play a huge role in fundraising efforts. However, too many foundations miss the point of social media, which is that it is social. Groups that excel in these platforms are those who know how make friends with their fans. They engage them in conversation and value their opinions.

Brand Matters

Consistency throughout your social media and direct mail appeals shows professionalism. Professionalism builds trust. Trust builds support and support translates into donations. So don’t be tempted to just put random posts on Facebook or Twitter. Take time to build your brand and make each post count.

Story Telling

Communication is key to strong relationships and this applies to philanthropy as well. You need to communicate your vision in order to gain support. The best way to do this is through the power of story. Stories about the people you seek to help will draw your supporters into your vision. It helps them to see and care about the human aspect of your mission.

The Bottom Line

Donors want to know how their donation will be used so be honest about your needs. When you itemize your needs specifically, it allows donors to choose which part of your mission they would like to support. This also makes them know that they are a vital part of your team.

Team Work

Seasoned philanthropists know that they cannot go it alone. Big ideas need team work to make them happen. Working with a team is also good for your morale. Even the most passionate person will experience frustration. So surround yourself with people who can lift you up and help you through those frustrating days. Create a culture of encouragement around you.

Following these tips will help your foundation stand out. They will help to build your brand and draw people into what you hope to accomplish. Whether it’s as simple as an after school program for kids in your neighborhood or as complex as drilling wells in African countries, you will need support. These tips will give you a good start as you build your team.

Finding Social Influencers For a Non Profit

Many people spend lifetimes looking for a cause they feel worthy of sinking their teeth and efforts into. Once discovered or created, in the hearts of people who participate in these foundations, each cause deserves all the attention and funding in the world. Gathering resources and contacts in order to build up the non-profit’s financial side can be daunting and at times vexing. In an age saturated with multimedia access, where every pocket has digital communication, information, and advertising, the power of a social influencer is hard to ignore.

Why use a social influencer?

In a nut shell, a social influencer is someone with a large online following. With that following comes the ability to sway the opinion of others. A productive social influencer should have the following:

How do you choose an influencer for your cause?

  • A sincerity and trustworthy nature that carries their followers across expansive time frames as opposed to moments of shock value and spectacle.
  • They should have a densely populated following across multiple platforms. Things like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram draw in different crowds, so to have a high number of followers in each means the influencer’s reach is vast and varied.
  • When a social influencer is engaged with their followers, when throw out a call to action for a non-profit, event, fundraiser, etc. their fans are more likely to be active and contribute to those events. The engagement should be active on both sides in order for results to flourish.

Measure the influencer’s social impact

There are a number of websites available that analyze an influencer’s influence and will provide you with a rating. A low score would indicate they don’t have a tangible effect.

Follow them

Sometimes the best way to get a feel for an influencer and get a feel for their impact is to follow them yourself.

Seek out appropriate influencers

To choose an influencer that primarily deals with health and wellness for a charity that hopes to raise money for big cat conservation would be a disparity of motives. You want your cause to match what the influencer influences.

Organize options after searching for them online

Searching specific topics, hashtags, and articles is a great way to track down like minded people. Organize those people into a chart in order of preference or perhaps in order of potential influence power. This will help you develop a plan of attack to establish connections.

Contact them

After getting a feel for who you want to work with, reach out. Odds are if your cares and goals are on the same page, they’d love to raise money or awareness for a worthy cause.

At the end of the day, a social influencer can carry a powerful impact when it comes raising awareness and funding for any given non-profit. Don’t be afraid to put the neck of your cause on the line and see how it can be elevated and benefited by the power of an influencer.

Why Mobile Fundraising is Important

In these days, everything has been made to be more mobile friendly. When you begin to think about this sort of mind set coupled with fundraising, it almost seems ridiculous to not involve the two together. Most everyone out there is attached to some sort of device all the time. Cell phones, tablets, and laptops are three of the most widely used devices in this era. If you are a nonprofit organization trying to drum up supporters and donors, mobile fundraising could be the way for you to get the job done.

Getting the Job Done

The use of mobile devices has dramatically increased in the past few years. With it, the way organizations earn donation money has changed as well. Many companies are making the switch to mobile fundraising. How does this work to help your company?

Well, mobile devices are checked regularly during the day. Since they are constantly being used, it makes sense to say that mobile fundraising is the most direct route toward getting the funds you need. Many of how mobile fundraising has begun are through the use of emails. There are multiple devices that allow you to read emails on that device, which then makes sense to send emails to reach the donors.

However, there is more to mobile fundraising than simply sending an email to a donor. There are tactics and strategies to getting the job completed and ensuring that the donors enjoy their experience and are willing to donate or donate a second time.

Strategies and Tactics

One of the most important things that an organization can use to improve their mobile fundraising is feedback. Without feedback, you won’t know how well the fundraising event went over, and you can even use this feedback to improve on your tactics for the future.

Feedback can also help with the next tactic, which is to understand the frequency of emails you need to send. Since many people do not like receiving multiple emails in succession from the same sender, it is ideal to decide upon a good rate to send your emails. Feedback can help with this.

The last tactic that is useful for mobile fundraising auctions. By hosting an auction, you can drum up support, awareness, and connections with multiple donors at once. You can even implement your mobile fundraising ideas to the auction to explain your organization and donation plans.


If you are searching for a great way to get support for your organization, mobile fundraising is a great place to start. You can be with the times, use the most direct routes, and easily get feedback from your donors all by using a mobile device.

Busting Myths Between New and Long Time Donors

When it comes to donations, some factors are predictable. Organizations, in fact, can benefit from having some level of predictability when account for the upcoming year’s income. However, myths can plague these predictions, and businesses want to make certain that they know what’s wrong with certain myths about new donors.

Unbridled Spending

One common assumption about new donors is that they will virtually engage in unbridled spending. Organizations might expect that these donors will be the only ones to provide tremendous sums since they are new in this business. However, evidence doesn’t necessarily support that claim. Donors both old and new may contribute in similar ways.

Longer Relationships

Businesses may often feel as though they can inspire longer relationships with new donors than with old ones. While the way the business owners act will likely play a role in the longevity of the relationship, the company’s own personal interests do too. The length of time that a relationship stays intact can vary, and it may have nothing to do with whether the company is old or new.

Riskier Beginnings

Another perception that organizations might have of new companies is that they are risky to rely on. Organizations might see an new business provide a generous donation but then remain skeptical if the business can continue with such donations in the future. However, organizations should remember that new companies may have tremendous financial support. They may also have started as a smaller businesses that has been growing itself into a giant for decades. Getting to know the history of donors can help companies to determine if they can rely on them in the future.

Modern Methods of Payment

Companies may also assume that newer entities are ready to use more modern methods of payment. For example, they may think nothing of sending donations through online payment services or via apps. However, when entities are making large donations, they may prefer to use paper methods. Staying open to different methods of payment and allowing for these channels can help a company to garner donations on a regular basis and to encourage them from a variety of different places.

Making assumptions about new donors is not the best idea because doing so closes off people to possibilities. Keeping an open mind is one of the best ways to prevent myths from getting in the way of potential donors from all types of businesses.

Preventing Compassion Fatigue In Donors and Non-profit Employees

The daily stress that entrepreneurs go through causes them to be tired and weary throughout the day. The hard work can take a toll and begin to impact their personal life. This may cause many social entrepreneurs to wonder if their personal sacrifices are worth it.

Many fundraisers have thought about quitting their job as a result of their frustration. Compassion fatigue is a serious issue that should be addressed. Compassion fatigue describes a lack of compassion that has developed over time. People who strive to be socially conscious internalize their flaws and perceived failure at not working fast enough. The pressure can discourage and consume them, causing them to give up. Compassion fatigue does not receive the attention for being a serious issue that it deserves. Here are some tips to help entrepreneurs and donors avoid compassion fatigue.

Gain Perspective

When you are committed to helping everyone, even the smallest victory can have a long-standing positive impact. Take time to reflect on different people, places, and things that you have impacted in a positive way. Research has shown that losses have a larger impact on people than gains. Be aware that regardless of how successful your organization is, you will always need a helping hand.

Work On Yourself

If you cannot manage your own health properly, then it is harder to help anyone else. Get your rest and take some time off if you need too. Work and life balance should be a major priority.

Stay Proactive

Be prepared for potential signs of burnout. Think about different ways to prevent it. Show that you care about your team and help them. Keep the vision the main priority and track your progress toward the completion of your goals. Make sure that your colleagues are comfortable chatting with you about fatigue.

Stay Decisive

Remember that you can take a break sometimes. Don’t allow negativity to linger. Move forward when you are tired and find the strength to seek change. Avoid unnecessary decisions that can increase your burnout while hurting your motivation.

Build Connections

If your supporters only hear from you when they are needed, that is not good. Look for ways to reach your supporters and invite them into your world. Look for opportunities to create value in their lives.

Stay Faithful

To keep your confidence up, make promises that you know you can keep and manage your expectations. Don’t try to rush anything, as you’ll forget that the journey will be slow and steady.

Millennials and Philanthropy

Wondering how to better market your non-profit or social cause to what has been called the most philanthropic generation yet? Read on to find out about the giving trends of millennials and what causes Millennials care about.

Here we have compiled a brief overview of the research on the general outlook of Generation Y on donations and philanthropy.

Millennials are close to running the world

Millennials or Generation Y are those born roughly between 1980 and 2000, succeeded by Generation Z or Centennials. As of now, Millennials constitute the biggest part of the global workforce – they are also the biggest buyers, driving consumption in most economies.

The engagement of Millennials in philanthropy is not the highest right now – Boomers and Matures or “The Silent Generation” make larger donations and greater overall donations annually. Generation Y’s paying capacity is going to increase greatly by 2020, as they mature and inherit more wealth from their predecessors.

Engaging the cautious Millennial in your cause

With millennials contributing to a growing share of the economy, they are an important source for fund-raisers. However, they are cautious investors and usually like to stay very involved in the activities of the organizations they donate to.

The “me me me” generation is perennially connected via social media. Any organization worth its salt in the 21st century needs to have a strong online presence. It adds a great deal of credibility to your brand image. Having 3 or 4 posts per year on your Twitter feed makes it seem like your company is either defunct or not very active. Updating your social media handles on a consistent weekly or even daily basis is essential to keep your audience involved.

Your biggest resource – The Millennial Impact Report by Achieve

The US national research group Achieve releases a comprehensive report on the habits of the Millennials and the causes they invest in. The Millennial Impact Report is a rich source of information on engaging this highly socially conscious generation. The 2016 Impact Report focused mostly on observing how the presidential elections would affect the issues that Millennials are interested in.

The main findings were along these lines:

Millennials don’t believe in the ability of government to bring about any change. The disillusioned generation places more emphasis on their personal responsibility to make the world better for everyone.

Despite willing to take more responsibility for the state of the nation, Millennials are less vocal about their stances than previous generations like the Boomers. Millennials tend to avoid conflict and argument.

Millennials display less allegiance to any particular political party and instead are more supportive of political figures who touched more on the issues they care about.

How all of this translates to your marketing campaign

Possibly because of the nature of social media and the availability of more information to us at any point of time, millennials are at any point aligned with 3 to 5 causes. The initial investment in any cause is small in most cases, the ones who stand out urge individuals to take further action and be more deeply involved. Acknowledgment from peers is highly impactful in helping the process along, and deeper involvement can be incited by making further action beyond the initial investment easier.

Millennials are deeply invested in social issues; this comes from an empathy knowing that they themselves or people close to them could be similarly affected. They are more responsive to cause-based marketing that directly invokes their empathy via human-centric imagery. Make your audience aware of the real issues that and struggles that people face and how your cause can alleviate them.

Mentoring the Youth in Philanthropy

Human beings have an inert quality of graciousness, which, when molded in the right way, gives way to philanthropy. It is the desire to promote the welfare of people, to seek solutions to the many problems that plague our society.

Youth today hold a central role in philanthropy. With their never-ending energy and enthusiasm, they are the flag- bearers of philanthropy all over the world. All they need is a bit of guidance, to help them learn about the community’s needs and the grant making process. A few tips on mentoring the youth in philanthropy will come handy.

You Do Not Have To Do It Alone

Training the youth in philanthropy need not be a one person job. Get in contact with like- minded people or community partners. A team will certainly achieve more than you can ever by working alone.

There are multiple organizations active in the field who shall be happy to indulge you in their programs.

Be Specific About Your Role

A youth- philanthropy project is essentially the product of the participants and not the adults mentoring them. Your role here is to advise them, and not to teach them. You need to rely on the youth to take up leadership positions in every aspect of the process.

A mentor needs to completely alienate oneself from the decision making process. His only aim should be to create a conducive environment where the youths can make sensible and sensitive decisions.

Make it a Fun Activity

Introduce games and other leisure activities wherever you can. This will help participants find their voices whilst helping to foster trust amongst them. A bit of fun and movement helps break the ice and get the movement going.

A strong bond between the students sure is necessary, but nonetheless, the bond between the mentor and the participants has its own significance. Games can be improvised and executed to achieve these objectives.

Step Up, Step Back

It is important to differentiate between situations where you volunteer your voice and where you just step back. The greatest tool while working with youth is silence, and you’ll be amazed at how much you can learn by letting the youth lead.

Young people involved in philanthropy today, aged 8- 21, are extremely thoughtful and professional at making real grant decisions. Even the first- timers are eligible to take leadership roles in the social arena of the program.

All you need to do is to channelize their efficiencies in the best possible way, and, in the process, benefit the society at large.

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